Returning Home…

Returning home and finding balance – that’s what is going on around here right now. Finding balance is a big focus. I am back to being 100% self-employed and am wearing two career hats: one being the hat of a bookkeeper and the other being the knitted hat of an independent knitwear designer. 

I LOVE being home. I LOVE working from home. I LOVE having the time to take better care of me, Bentley and my home. I am really enjoying working on balancing all of the aspects of my life; scheduling time for bookkeeping, knitting, designing and all that entails, nice long walks with Mr. B, spending more time with family and friends, etc. I am making sure that I get out of the house regularly. I go to the local coffee shop and do some work. I have a new bookkeeping client that needs me to go in to Portland for a few hours once a week and I take Bentley to daycare one day every week or so. 

I’ve been back from vacation in Tucson to visit my parents for about a week and a half and my routine is starting to gel. I love having the flexibility to be able to spend time with other designers/knitters and talk shop. I want to start going to knit nights again (for you non-knitters, yarn stores usually have an evening a week where knitters are invited to come in and hang out and work on their knitting projects). I have missed being a part of that community.

I had to post this photo. My first night in Tucson was amazingly beautiful.

My intention, now that I have returned home and am creating more balance in my life, is to blog more, on a somewhat regular schedule. When I first started this blog, the intention was to share my journey as a knitwear designer. I sort of put that on hold while I was working for Shibui Knits. But now I want to return to that. Designing knitwear is truly the biggest, most exciting, rewarding, time consuming, sometimes frustrating, passion of my life. There are so many aspects to it. And I certainly don’t know it all. This is a journey of discovery; of trial and error. This blog is where I will be sharing those discoveries with you.

Bentley and I thank you for following along. He’ll be showing up here on occasion as well.

Knit on!



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